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[Update] MH370 found? Malaysian Airlines reports

malaysian airlines flight MH370 missing privatedetective.co.uk

Fresh announcement from the Malaysian PM Najib Razik on Monday, states that the Malaysian airplane MH370 which was considered ‘missing’ since two weeks has now been reckoned to have crashed in southern Indian ocean. Analysis of several satellite information have shown that the plane was last located in the middle of the Indian ocean –West of Perth. All the passengers on-board are presumed dead under obvious circumstances.

The search for the missing airplane initially began after sighting several floating objects in the Indian ocean believed to be the debris of MH370. The identified floating objects were a close match to the chassis of the airplane which led to further investigations by the navy and airforce.Due to rough seas and bad weather conditions approaching the exact location of the spotted debris was delayed.
The airplane carrying 239 people, including 12 crew members was suspected to have been hijacked or sabotaged by the crew members or passengers present on board. Passenger list consisted of 14 different nationalities including  Americans, New-Zealanders, Iranians and  Indonesians; with two-thirds of the members from China. The chairman of the Homeland Security Committee , Michael McCaul claims that disappearance of the flight was “an intentional and deliberate act” .It appears that someone on-board shut off  the plane’s communications. Further investigation into the passengers backgrounds revealed that two passengers were travelling under stolen passports  -one of the many red flags in addition to the history of questionable activities of the pilots flying the airplane. Over 27 countries had volunteered to send out search teams on land, water and air.

Relatives and friends of the 239 passengers present on board remain shattered and inconsolable as the Malaysian PM declared that the airplane MH370 ended in the Indian ocean. After two weeks of living in grave doubt of the survival of their loved ones, the new announcement sent waves of shock and disbelief.

The search operation is still in process and further details are yet to be revealed. Officials hope to retrieve the blackbox of the airplane in order to find out in-depth information regarding the events that led to the crash of MH370. The truth behind the disappearance of the airplane is yet to be unfolded…

SOURCE: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/03/24/uk-malaysia-airlines-idUKBREA2I1LB20140324


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